November 18, 2023

In the Know with Ken Fanger

In the Know with Ken Fanger and PNS

New York Notary Alliance and its sister company, Professional Notary Services, Inc. have joined forces to bring you cybersecurity expert, Ken Fanger.

Ken Fanger, President of On Technology Partners and a CMMC-RP (Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification Registered Practitioner), has over 30 years’ experience specializing in cyber security and information technology systems management and design, and project management.

Relax: A Guide to True CyberSecurity by Ken Fanger

Ken is a sought-after speaker around the country, and award-winning author of the acclaimed book, RELAX: A Guide to True Cyber Security. Ken’s current campaign is to “Humanize Security,” a fundamental change toward a more holistic approach to cyber resilience and recovery. Ken is changing the narrative to put people first – both at the center of cyber-attacks AND recovery. By treating victims of cyber-attacks with dignity and respect, rather than shaming them for being attacked or hacked, people are more empowered and proactive, rather than fearful and reactive. By Humanizing Security in this way, individuals, businesses, and organizations are able to build stronger, more effective defenses against cyber-attacks, hacks, and breaches. 

Sheila Kennedy sat with Ken to discuss his movement to humanize cybersecurity. Ken is a masterful storyteller and made cybersecurity something to be curious about rather than dreading it. Listen in to their conversation on the NYNA YouTube Channel

Join Ken’s LinkedIn group to be a part of the movement to humanize cybersecurity.  You can also connect with him by visiting